A curated directory of 1000+ Mac menu bar apps
Small apps to help you become more productive and maximize your workflow with MacOS.

The Mac menu bar
is prime real
Your Mac menu bar is a highly customizable space. By adding a few extra applications you get an awful lot more from macOS. Yes, menu bar apps are small, but they play a big part in your workflow. Just dig around in this handpicked directory!
AI Apps
Audio Apps
Audio Apps (Music)
Audio Apps (Podcast)
Battery Apps
Browser Apps
Calendar Apps
Cleaning Apps
Clipboard Managers
cloud apps
color apps
design apps
developer apps
display apps
email & contacts
files & folders
Finance Apps
Keyboard Apps
launcher Apps
Meeting Apps
menu bar managers
misc & others
Network Apps
note taking apps
personal apps
Productivity apps
screen capturing Apps
security apps
Sleep control apps
social apps
system Stats
system tools
time apps
time apps (pomodoro)
Time Tracking Apps
Time Zone Apps
To-Do List Apps
wallpaper apps
weather apps
window managers
writing apps