Free stock video footage

    Discover over 3 million stock footage clips, motion graphics, Premiere Pro templates, After Effects templates, royalty-free music, and royalty-free sound effects.

    Royalty-free music and sound effects

    Enhance your projects with our vast library of royalty-free music and royalty-free sound effects. Our collection includes tracks and sounds suitable for any mood or atmosphere, ensuring your project has the perfect audio accompaniment. With our royalty-free licensing, you can use these audio assets without worrying about attribution or recurring fees. Enjoy high-quality, hassle-free audio that elevates your videos and multimedia projects to the next level.

    Why you'll love Videvo

    As a free user, you'll gain access to over 50,000 free stock video clips and motion graphics, including animated backgrounds and hundreds of free sound effects.

    Our content is sourced from trusted providers and produced in-house, ensuring you get the best quality 4K and HD stock videos to download video. These resources are safe to use in your creative projects, whether you're working on a commercial, a social media post, or a personal project. Upgrade to a Premium plan to unlock access to over 1.5 million premium stock assets with royalty-free licensing, providing even more high-quality options for your needs.

    Licensing our content is straightforward and hassle-free. Our free video clips to download are licensed under the Videvo Attribution License or Creative Commons 3.0, allowing you to use the content in a wide range of productions, even commercially.

    When you upgrade to a Premium plan, all free video and audio content licenses are upgraded to royalty-free. This means you no longer need to provide attribution to the author, and you can reuse the same clip across multiple projects without additional costs.

    Royalty-free licensing provides flexibility and peace of mind, letting you focus on creating without worrying about legal complications.

    Our extensive library of over 3 million stock media clips is continuously growing. New video clips, sound effects, and music tracks are added daily, keeping our collection fresh and diverse. Our dedicated team of in-house producers sources content from around the world, bringing you a unique selection of free videos and sounds for your projects.

    We are always on the lookout for new contributors, so if you have a passion for creating great visual content, we want to hear from you! Join our community and help us expand our collection of high-quality, free stock footage.

    Latest Blog Posts

    Stay updated with the latest trends, tips, and insights from the world of stock footage and multimedia production. Our blog features articles on a wide range of topics, from creative techniques to industry news, helping you make the most of our resources and improve your projects. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our blog provides valuable information and inspiration to help you succeed.

    About us

    Videvo was created with a simple mission: to make stock video footage more affordable and empower creators worldwide to produce amazing visual content. Initially launched as a free stock footage service, we've expanded to include sound effects, music tracks, and a collection of over 1.5 million premium stock assets. We partner with a select number of trusted providers for our premium content, ensuring high-quality, responsibly sourced material. By working with fewer, well-established contributors, we ensure that earnings are not diluted across thousands of contributors, allowing us to support high standards and reliable content.

    Our content is provided in a minimum resolution of 1080p HD, with most now available in 4K, ensuring your projects look professional and polished. Based in rural Oxfordshire, UK, we're a small, passionate team that loves to connect with our users. If you're ever in the area, feel free to look us up. You can also contact us by submitting a message through our contact page or emailing us at

    Explore our extensive collection of free stock footage, HD stock videos, 4K footage, motion graphics, and royalty-free music and sound effects today. Videvo is your one-stop resource for high-quality multimedia content, empowering you to create stunning visual projects effortlessly.

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